API Manager

How to get a token (API key)

  1. 1. Select the API for which you would like to get a token.
  2. 2. Select "Read more" to choose the API, then you will find further information on how to use the API.
  3. 3. To apply for the API, click the button "Access with this plan". (You need to be logged in to see it.)
  4. 4. In the box “Select an App”, add an "app name" and a "description" to your app (or choose your existing app in the dropdown field), you will see this information in your profile in "my apps".
  5. 5. If you select the app in the list in "my apps", you get to the page where you can copy the TOKEN (aka API key). The TOKEN HASH is not needed to access the API.


OJP 2.0

Open Journey Planner version 2.0 short OJP 2.0

OJP 1.0 (aka OJP 2020)

Open Journey Planner version 1.0 short OJP 1.0

Road traffic - traffic counters

Traffic counters

Road traffic - traffic lights

Traffic lights




GTFS Service Alerts short GTFS-SA


GTFS Realtime short GTFS-RT

Train Formation Service

Train Formation Service of most Swiss trains


OJP-Fare to request ticket prices


SIRI Planned Timetable short SIRI-PT


SIRI Situation Exchange short SIRI-SX


SIRI Estimated Timetable short SIRI-ET